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Senin-Jumat, 9am-5pm


11611 San Vicente Blvd
Kamar Suite 1020
Los Angeles CA, 90049

11611 San Vicente Blvd
Kamar Suite 1020
Los Angeles CA, 90049

Senin-Jumat, 9am-5pm

Dari Pesisir ke Rak: Mengkodifikasi Rantai Pasokan Plastik di Laut

Dari Pesisir ke Rak: Mengkodifikasi Rantai Pasokan Plastik di Laut

Imagine consumers perusing the shelves and aisles of a store, being able to quickly see the exact path the materials took to get into those products. For recycled ocean plastic products, this instantly accessible, comprehensive record of the shore-to-store journey would give consumers confidence and insight into the history of the item now in their hands. It would also give brands a more solid foundation to corroborate the sustainability claims they tout in their marketing and messaging.

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