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Senin-Jumat, 9am-5pm


11611 San Vicente Blvd
Kamar Suite 1020
Los Angeles CA, 90049

11611 San Vicente Blvd
Kamar Suite 1020
Los Angeles CA, 90049

Senin-Jumat, 9am-5pm

PCR & Plastik yang Terikat di Laut Keduanya Memiliki Tempat dalam Kecantikan yang Berkelanjutan

PCR & Plastik yang Terikat di Laut Keduanya Memiliki Tempat dalam Kecantikan yang Berkelanjutan

Beauty brands know that their customers are looking for more than just a potion for great looks, fewer wrinkles and luxurious locks — they also want to immerse themselves with brands that align with their values. Beauty products are costly items used daily, so the desire to feel good about looking good is natural.

Recently, this mentality has extended past the ingredients and origin of the products themselves and has crept into accountability in packaging, as well. Having to toss out lots of plastic wrappers and “box fillers” to access the product container — which itself will eventually be thrown away — puts a damper on the “feel-good” enjoyment and delight these products deliver.

Cognizant of this reality, beauty brands have begun exploring options to create sustainability stories around their brands; and packaging is quickly becoming an essential component to that strategy. But as beauty brands dip their [well-pedicured] toes into these waters, they’re encountering unfamiliar challenges.

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